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U.S. Aiming to Get Rid of Their Dependence on China’s Critical and Rare Earth Mineral Supplies

Arcadia Minerals,Inc.(AMI), the owner of two advanced key mineral deposits in Wyoming, has hired EnerCom Inc. to help find potential joint venture partners or buyers. The demand trajectory of key and rare earth minerals is comparable to EV minerals (lithium, graphite, cobalt, copper, nickel) and is used in high-growth markets, including military weapons, electric vehicles, high-tech digital, wind energy, solar energy, electronics, and smarts Cell phone.

The U.S. Congress and the White House have declared a critical mineral emergency in accordance with executive orders and the latest measures of the Department of Defense, aiming to make the United States and its allies quickly get rid of their dependence on China’s critical and rare earth mineral supplies.AMI has two proven resource blocks on 2,800 acres (11.3 square kilometers) of land, located in the politically stable state of Wyoming, which contains zirconium, titanium and rare earths. Opportunities to reduce risk include “double mortgage” claims for unreserved ownership or mining issues in a friendly state of the mining industry, and independent engineering reports to confirm the resources and grades included, including metallurgical reports and pre-feasibility reports.

The project is a simple open-pit mine with a designated tonnage of more than 33 million tons.It will utilize proven dry, wet and magnetic separation technologies with low production costs and an estimated yield of 85-92%. The latest estimate of field resources is estimated at US$860 million. Strategic consulting partners for this project include BRS Inc. and Hazen Research, Inc., BRS Inc. has more than 30 years of licensing, design and construction management experience in the mining and engineering fields, and Hazen Research, Inc..

Arcadia Minerals, Inc. is a private important mineral company headquartered in Wyoming.It has two key and advanced rare earth mineral resource blocks that can be used for open-pit mining.Secretary of the Navy Kenneth Braithwaite (Kenneth Braithwaite) said in a recent speech that he believes that “China may be the greatest threat to our country that Americans do not understand.”He added that he believes that the threat we are seeing is unparalleled, which is unprecedented in the history of our country.Braithwaite is addressing the military threat posed by China.On these pages, we discussed the exponential growth of the Chinese military and other issues, such as our dependence on medicines. We rely on China to produce countless consumer products, partly because our production base has decreased; even Wall Street has invested in Chinese companies. These dependencies and operations are part of the threat Braithwaite refers to.How did all this happen? Dan Blumenthal of the American Enterprise Institute described this very succinctly in his book “The Chinese Dream”: “China has taken advantage of American complacency.”

Another issue that illustrates our complacency is rare earth minerals.Rare earth minerals are a collection of 17 metal elements and are an important part of many high-tech equipment.The US Geological Survey points out that they are an essential part of more than 200 products(in a wide range of applications), especially high-tech consumer products such as mobile phones, computer hard drives, electric and hybrid vehicles, and Flat screen monitor and TV.In 1993, 38% of global rare earth minerals were in China, while the United States accounted for 33%. Several other countries make up the rest. By 2008, China accounted for more than 90% of the world’s total output, and by 2011, it accounted for 97% of the world’s total output.

According to “China Electric Power” magazine, the total value of global rare earth imports in 2019 was US$1.15 billion. However, the total value of commodities produced using rare earth minerals is many times greater. For example, every Apple iPhone relies on multiple rare earth elements.Neodymium is used to make powerful magnets to make iPhone speakers work properly. Manufacturing is used to produce color on the screen, while cerium is used to polish the phone during the manufacturing process.Last year, Apple sold iPhones worth more than $142 billion. More importantly, defense applications include shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, and guidance systems for missile, laser, radar and sonar systems. A report from the Congressional Research Service stated that each Virginia-class submarine requires approximately 9,200 pounds of rare earth minerals. Each Aegis destroyer is approximately 5,200 pounds; and each new F-35 fighter jet is 920 pounds